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Welcome to the Oober Cinema
Watch and learn with our fun animations made by and for kids like you
Money Factor: What's Money?
Unit 1: What's Money?
What is 'money'? Check out our video and join other oober kids in a journey of money-discovery and fun! We hope you enjoy.
Money Factor: Goods Vs Bads
Unit 1: What's Money?
Money Gets you goods and services. Goods, in economics, are supposed to increase utility or, in normal English, make you happy. You are surrounded by goods: your toys, your games, your clothes, your shoes, your books and your sport equipment are only a few examples. The trouble is ... there are many BADS too. Wave goodbye to utility... bads are... well... Bad for you!
Money Factor: Shopping with Cavemen (Part 1)
Unit 1: What's Money?
Welcome to Prehistory: no school, no hot baths, no warm beds, no internet and no ice cream. Does this mean no shopping? NO WAY! Hop on the time bike to find out what our ancestors did when they needed something!
Money Factor: Shopping with Cavemen (Part 2)
Unit 1: What's Money?
Welcome to Prehistory: no school, no hot baths, no warm beds, no internet and no ice cream. Does this mean no shopping? NO WAY! Hop on the time bike to find out what our ancestors did when they needed something!
Money Factor: Barter Boogie
Unit 1: What's Money?
Let's hop on the time bike to see how cavemen coped with finding the goods and services they needed. They had no coins, no banknotes, no warm and safe houses, no playstations, no internet, no chocolate. Does this mean 'no shopping'? NO WAY! Watch this cartoon and enjoy. If you have any questions, get in touch: cecilia@oober-k.com
Money Factor: Commodity Money
Unit 1: What's Money?
What happens when you cannot pay with cards or cash? What if your usual payment methods were not accepted? Today we are learning about commodity money; goods that have value in their own right (like food or clothes or medicines) and that can be used to pay for other goods or/and services. Let's start our journey; hop on the time bike and cycle, cycle, cycle!
Money Factor: Opportunity Cost
Unit 1: What's Money?
We only have 24 hours a #day. There is only so much time, so much room and so many #resources to do what we need and want to do. In economics this is called 'scarcity'. Because of scarcity , we make choices every day about what do to, when, where and how. When we do, we face an #Opportunity #Cost. What we do and what we give up does not just describe our priorities, it also define us and what we stand for.
Money Factor: What is a 'Market'?
Unit 1: What's Money?
You don't need fancy shops and tills to make markets. You only need someone who needs something (demand) and someone able to provide that thing (supply). Supply and demand make a market.
Money Factor: The Invisible Hand
Unit 1: What's Money?
Meet Adam Smith, the father of modern Economics. In his revolutionary book 'The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith changes the way we think about trade, prosperity and how to run a business. Are you ready? Hold on to The Invisible Hand to find out how it affects our shopping habits, the economy and the politics of a country to this day.
Money Factor: The Invisible Hand (Halloween Version)
Unit 1: What's Money?
Trick or Treat? Halloween is the perfect time to get to know the Invisible Hand.
Welcome to our seasonal animation. (Evil laughter now! Can you hear it, young monster?)
Money Factor: The Economy
Unit 1: What's Money?
We are all economists because we all make decisions about the world around us: space, time, money and resources. Let's hop on the time bike to ancient Athens to find out what the word 'Economy' really means.
Money Factor: Me & the Economy
Unit 1: What's Money?
Me and the Economy - a Rap. This ditty was recorded by Year 5 at Queen's Park Primary School, London.
Money Factor:The Dawn of Coinage
Unit 1: What's Money?
In ancient times people swapped goods and services (barter) but when they could not they trusted each other to pay later (credit). Everything worked well so... why did we start using coins? Clue: too many coincidences, not enough trust! Curious? Good, curiosity is the beginning of knowledge! Let's start with this video.
Money Factor: Shopping with the Ancient Greeks
Unit 1: What's Money?
'Wanted: a beautiful, impressive, effective way to tell everyone how artistic, advanced, business-friendly this city is. All original ideas considered. Apply NOW!" This mock advert may make your smile but the ancient Greek needed just as much marketing material to promote their city states as we do today to promote our cities, businesses and ideas. They did not have social media or the internet but they had a powerful tool: the coin! Watch this video to learn all about the marketing job that coins still do today.
Money Factor: Banknotes (or NOT so lightweight money)
Unit 1: What's Money?
Meet the form of money that made travelling and making big payments safe and easy! That's the banknote! Born in China in the XI century it has become a global success. Light, portable but not lightweight!
Money Factor: Inflation
Unit 1: What's Money?
Inflation measures how prices rise. You have probably heard about it because it is a topic that many people discuss. Some people are scared of inflation, others think it is normal, others see it as a genie in a bottle; you never know how it will behave once it's out. What or who causes inflation? Get ready to meet one of the most talked-about and important agents in any economy.
Money Factor: Living with Inflation
Unit 1: What's Money?
Inflation pushes prices up, but what are the costs of living with inflation? Find out the human cost behind the headline-grabbing price rises.
Money Factor: When Inflation hits Rock Bottom
Unit 1: What's Money?
Prices can go down as well as up and when they do, we have deflation. Is it good or bad news? And how do we deal with it? Prepare for wonders and helicopters...
Money Factor: When Inflation hits the Sky
Unit 1: What's Money?
We have learned the main reasons behind ordinary inflation but prices sometimes rise fast and for sudden reasons like wars or revolutions. Long-term mismanagement of an economy can also lead to very high inflation. When this happens, we call it 'hyperinflation'. Economists debate why and how it arises and how to stop up but everyone agrees that hyperinflation is dangerous and must be beaten.
Money Factor: Hyperinflation strikes again
Unit 1: What's Money?
What happens when hyperinflation spirals out of control for years? The answer is 'trouble'. Here are three tales that show how hyperinflation can hurt a country and can even change the course of history.
Money Factor: How to measure Inflation
Unit 1: What's Money?
How do we find out if inflation is growing normally or whether our economies are under the strain of hyperinflation and deflation? Clue: measurements. We can measure how prices rise and fall year in, year out.
Money Factor: Good Deals Vs Bad Deals
Unit 2: Spending Money You Have
'Deals' and 'Sales' are words we see so much and so often when we go shopping but how can we be sure that we get a real 'good deal'? This animation will help us become deal detectives! Hurrah!
Money Factor: Spending Money You Have
Unit 2: Spending Money You Have
What happens when you spend money you actually have? And how can you do that? Get ready to hop on the time bike to explore the beginning of our spending habits. Ready? GO!
Money Factor: Why do we spend?
Unit 2: Spending Money You Have
Why do we spend money? Let's learn about the tricks used to make us spend, spend, spend and let's find out a little more about what kind of spenders we are. This will make us stronger and more powerful spenders.
Money Factor: Adverts and Slogans
Unit 2: Spending Money You Have
Have you ever bought something and then wondered why? ADVERTS & SLOGANS are made to make you want to spend money no matter what; they appeal to your vanity, hopes and dreams and drive you to buy, buy, buy. You can be a smart spender and get what you REALLY want. Here are a few tips! Enjoy
Money Factor: Debit Cards
Unit 2: Spending Money You Have
Debit cards are used every day but what are they and why do we call them 'debit' if we do NOT get in debt when we use them? Step this way for a fun debit card discovery journey...
Money Factor: Spending is like ...
Unit 2: Spending Money You Have
Have you ever ridden an elephant? YES YOU HAVE! Spending can be like riding a powerful animal like an elephant: the elephant is strong and powerful and can lead you in different directions, but you are in charge. You can steer this powerful force in the right direction.
Money Factor: Spending Money You Don't Have
Unit 3: Spending Money You Don't Have
Can you spend money you don't have? Not unless you get credit. Let's hop on the time bike to visit ancient Rome and find out what 'credit' means.
Money Factor: Debt Detectives
Unit 3: Spending Money You Don't Have
When someone lends someone else money, debt is contracted! Debt is not good, debt is not bad but debt is serious. Let's find out a little bit more about debt. Our journey begins in ancient Rome.
Money Factor: Saving Money
Unit 4: Saving Money
Saving gives you wings: it allows you to make your dreams come true. What is your dream? Saving money will take you a little closer to your goal.
Money Factor: Saving Savvy
Unit 4: Saving Money
We hope, we dream, we save - but how can we tell if we've got a good saving deal? Here are a few sneaky tips to make sure you get the best saving options. Go ahead, you oober saving champion!
Money Factor: We save if...
Unit 4: Saving Money
What makes us want to save? Saving is exciting and rewarding but what makes us feel safe enough to save? Here are a few achievements necessary to a saving-safe environment.
Money Factor: Trust is a must
Unit 4: Saving Money
Trust is a must for a strong financial culture. If we don't trust our banks, pension schemes, insurance companies and saving co-ops we won't save - even if we can spare money. What is the root of 'trust' and how can we preserve trust?
Money Factor: Saving Time Horizon
Unit 4: Saving Money
Before you start saving, you should ask yourself this question: 'How long can I save for?' This is called the 'Time Horizon'. Every saver is unique and every saver's time horizon depends on their circumstances. So make sure you select what is right for YOU.
Here are my three tips for a fun and successful Time Horizon assessment.
Money Factor: ISAs (Savvy Savers' Choice)
Unit 4: Saving Money
Every saver is different - that's why there are many different saving products. Let's discover what saving opportunities are available to you, smart saving savvies!
Money Factor: Should you always save money?
Unit 4: Saving Money
We like to say that saving money gives you wings because it helps you make your dreams come true. It also protects you when things go wrong BUT is it always the right choice? There are many things to consider before deciding whether it is time to save or not. Clue? Bank of Mum & Dad Vs Debt.
Money Factor: Investing Money
Unit 5: Investing Money
The word 'investment' sounds very modern but it is ancient and it had not much to do with money at first. Fasten your seatbelts we are off to ancient Rome to find out why we are all investors...
Money Factor: Understanding Risk
Unit 5: Understanding & Measuring Risk
Investors take on risk because they believe that, in the long run, they will be rewarded with extra money (returns on investments). 'Risk' is a blanket term, with many meanings. Let's learn how to measure and describe risk.
Money Factor: The Main Asset Classes
Unit 5: Asset Classes - Equity
When investors understand and measure their risk appetite, tolerance, investment goals and time horizons, they are ready to start investing their assets. These are some of the options available to investors, young and old! Let's start with stocks and shares.
Money Factor: The Main Asset Classes
Unit 5: Asset Classes - Bonds
You can sell and buy debt. Debt is an asset class in fact offering investors many different kinds of risk/reward opportunities. You can buy debt issued by established, democratic countries or young countries, you can buy debt issued by large and established companies or small and new companies. You can keep bonds until the issuer gives your money back mor you can sell it on to other investors before that.
Money Factor: The Main Asset Classes
Unit 5: Asset Classes - Real estate
Property is the only asset class that is also known as 'Real Estate'. It is one of the most ancient asset classes available. It's easy to understand - after all, if you buy property you can see and touch IT (it's TANGIBLE). Real estate is also one of the most popular asset classes all over the world but it is not always a low-risk investment. Much depends on where the property is and what id does (is it a home? It is a shop? Is it a warehouse?) One thing real estate is NOT is being boring.
Money Factor: The Journey
Unit 5: Crashes and Bubbles
What happens when trust and confidence in an asset class or a sector evaporate? Fasten your seat belt, we are off on a bumpy journey to learn about crashes and bubbles and how they made (and sometimes broke) countries and economies.
Money Factor: From Good Investment to Speculation
Unit 5: Crashes and Bubbles - A History Part 1
What happens when trust and confidence in an asset class or a sector evaporate? Fasten your seat belt, we are off on a bumpy journey to learn about crashes and bubbles and how they made (and sometimes broke) countries and economies.
Money Factor: From Good Investment to Speculation
Unit 5: Crashes and Bubbles - A History Part 2
What happens when trust and confidence in an asset class or a sector evaporate? Fasten your seat belt, we are off to the South Seas... errr, London actually in 1720, when much has changed since the time of Tulip Mania but the ingredients of a bad, old-fashioned crash are still present. Take cover, you are about to witness the 'South Sea Bubble' burst.
Money Factor: From Good Investment to Speculation
Unit 5: Crashes and Bubbles - A History Part 3
Investors lose faith in the market and sell their stocks and shares at the same time for many different reasons. There are many paths leading to a market crash! BANG! CLANG, OUCH!! Here's the story .... no the history of three market crashes that made history. We are in New York in the Roaring Twenties but the market is about to groan under the weight of wild speculation. Welcome to the Great Crash of 1929. Clue: it will hurt many people for a very long time.
Money Factor: Investment Rules
PREMIUM Unit 6: From Pocket to Portfolio - Part 1
It's time to learn how YOU could be a savvy and shrewd investor. The first thing to learn rule of sensible investment number one: DIVERSIFICATION! Do you want a clue? Eggs and basket... make sure you don't fall over! This is a password-protected Premium Feature. You will find the videos and class challenges in the Premium Unit 6 section. Have you lost your password? Get in touch with Cecilia: cecilia@oober-k.com or text: 07713627018
Money Factor: Investment Rules
PREMIUM Unit 6: From Pocket to Portfolio - Part 2
It's time to learn how YOU could be a savvy and shrewd investor. Now that you know all about diversification, asset classes and have learned how to diversify your investments, you have your own investment strategy. But how does your money go from your pocket to your portfolio? One option is to use a brokerage account, this is the most traditional way. In the olden days, people used to meet their brokers to discuss their investments, these days you can buy and sell any asset class using your brokerage accounts cheaply and conveniently wherever you are, thanks to the internet.
Money Factor: Investment Rules
PREMIUM Unit 6: From Pocket to Portfolio - Part 3
Have you ever heard this proverb: 'There is safety in numbers.'? There are some investors who believe that and, instead of picking their own investments themselves, they pool their money with other investors in what we call 'mutual funds'.
Today we learn about the mutual funds where investment experts, known as fund managers, take investment decisions on the investors' behalf: this is called active management.
Money Factor: Investment Rules
PREMIUM Unit 6: From Pocket to Portfolio - Part 4
Mutual funds offer investors a chance to gain exposure to different markets in a convenient and relatively cheap way. Not all mutual funds use fund managers to make choices about their investments though. Many - and they are getting increasingly popular - follow a benchmark like the FTSE 100. We call these mutual funds 'passively managed' because they buy and sell the same assets as the benchmarks they follow and so they need far less experienced fund management. And, because they are tracking benchmarks , they charge very low fees. These mutual funds are also known as 'trackers' or 'index-linked' funds and for many investors they represent the building blocks of their portfolios.
Money Factor: Investment Rules
PREMIUM Unit 6: From Pocket to Portfolio - Part 5
Is there an alternative to buying collective funds like mutual funds for investors keen on diversification and professional management? The answer is YES! Enter Exchange Traded Funds (EFTs), the investment product launched in the 1990s to offer the best of both worlds: the liquidity of shares with the professional management of mutual funds for a fraction of mutual funds' costs. ETFs started as simple or 'plain vanilla' alternative to mutual fund management but they are not always simple or cheap. ETFs today offer a range of investment opportunities from low-cost index tracking to exposure to exotic investments. As ever; remember this mantra: investments = risks.
Money Factor: Investment Rules
PREMIUM Unit 6: From Pocket to Portfolio - Part 6
How do you know you are making the right investment choices? You don't! Investing money involves taking risks but you can always manage risks by hiring experts to help you along the way. Meet the intermediary that does just that: it's the financial advisor. You can hire an advisor to give you personal help. If you do that, their investment advice you get is tailored to suit your specific circumstances.
You can use instead online services known as 'robo-advisors', which are much cheaper and much faster than personal advisers but they provide advice based on a set of questions, which allows them to identify what investor 'type' you are. Some thing this service is less personal. What do you think?
Money Factor: The Power of Investments
PREMIUM Unit 7: Do Well by Doing Good (?)
Are potential ROI the only metric investors use to judge the success (or lack thereof) of an investment? Many believe there are extra-financial factors to bear in mind, such as the environmental and societal impact of their investments. Should morality be part of investing? Or are good values and conservation practical business practices too? In this unit we explore the theory that there is good value in good values. Let's begin with 'ethical/sustainable' investments. This is a password-protected Premium Feature. You will find the videos and class challenges in the Premium Unit 7 section. Have you lost your password? Get in touch with Cecilia: cecilia@oober-k.com or text: 07713627018
Money Factor: The Power of Investments
PREMIUM Unit 7: Do Well by Doing Good (?) Part 2
Sustainable Investments are making headlines these days. Some fete them as the key to a new and more just investment mentality, some are skeptical. Some are confused and believe a few myths and legends. In this class we are going to debunk a few. This is a password-protected Premium Feature. You will find the videos and class challenges in the Unit 7 section. Have you lost your password? Get in touch with Cecilia: cecilia@oober-k.com or text: 07713627018
Money Factor Stories - Zaid's Birthday Party
Or don't put all your eggs in one basket
Zaid just got £100 for his birthday. What can he do? He has many dreams, hopes and ideas but he needs help. Here are three simple and smart steps to help him make his dreams come true
Money Factor Stories- Zaid's Birthday Party (Part 2)
Or don't put all your eggs in one basket
Zaid just got £100 for his birthday. What can he do? He has many dreams, hopes and ideas but he needs help. Here are three simple and smart steps to help him make his dreams come true
Money Factor Stories: Shopping with Pirates
Or watch inflation
Two pirates, one BIG treasure chest, many shopping trips... Imagine what can happen. Or don't. Just watch this video and learn what happens to prices when many people shop
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